Frequently Asked Questions


Simply sign up for an account, navigate to the "Post an Ad" section, and fill in the required details such as title, description, category, and images. Once submitted, your ad will be live after approval.

Yes! You can post unlimited regular ads for free with our Free Plan. If you want additional visibility, you can upgrade your ad or choose a membership plan.

Upgraded ads (Bump Up, Top, or Featured) receive higher visibility, appear in premium positions, and have a better chance of attracting potential buyers quickly.

We accept major payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and other online payment gateways. Payment options are securely processed.

Go to your account dashboard, find the ad you want to edit or delete, and select the corresponding option.

Ad visibility depends on the plan or promotion selected. For free ads, the visibility duration is 365 days. Premium ads have specific durations based on the type of upgrade or membership plan.

You can post ads in a variety of categories, including Classifieds, Jobs, Motors, Property, Community, and Pets. Please ensure your ad complies with our posting policies.

Yes, you can report ads or users directly from the ad page by clicking the "Report" button. Our team will review your report promptly.

Refunds are not provided for unused or partially used promotions or plans. Please review the Terms & Conditions for more details.


Contact our support team via the Contact Us page for further assistance.